SD:MI “Art Of Darkness!” Airs Today!


14 thoughts on “SD:MI “Art Of Darkness!” Airs Today!

  1. CN'a website says it's on now, but that's impossible because the US is a few hours behind the UK.

  2. Could someone give me a link because I would like to download it for free but I can't find any link! Please!

  3. you cant get on pirate bay in the UK anymore...well if your on sky or virgin internet

  4. Even if we don't like torrents, let's face it... it's going to take a couple of days until they are online in certain websites, and right now, it's the fastest way to get the episodes (I'm waiting a few more hours so I can get the next episode).

    Still, regarding the episode, it was good, and I have to say that there's something regarding Brad and Judy that I think will make it harder for the current Mystery Inc. to solve the rest of the mystery (I think only Cassidy and Ricky are trying to avoid that something bad happens to Scooby and the gang).

  5. Guys,here have all the new episodes to download:

    The song and the video is in perfect quality,but till now,the uploader put only the episodes six and seven of season 2,if is prohibited put links here,i'm sorry

  6. I watched this episode last night, I thought it was pretty good, defiantly shaping up to something dark and mysterious especially with friends parents, they seem like right ass holes..

  7. ^^^Tell me about it. It explains why they were so non-chalant about the reunion and are so incredible distant and unemotional towards their son who they haven't seen in fifteen or so years. Judy was more elated about getting her necklace back than seeing Fred.


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