SD:MI “Wrath of the Krampus” Airs Today!


12 thoughts on “SD:MI “Wrath of the Krampus” Airs Today!

  1. Well after that episode I definitely think this is more than your average curse. I can't help but think that maybe we're dealing with aliens.

  2. hey yall they complete the planshperic stick the howl thing and it was there plan mayor jonse help them but they keeping nova becaus they dont whant them to keep her

  3. ^^^I didn't understand any of that. 🙁

    Man, SDMI is one of the slowest shows to be uploaded; s1 was way faster than this.

  4. @ The 13th Ghost: That's saying something then, isn't? To me season 1 episodes were uploaded within hours after they had first aired, but these new season 2 episodes airing daily seem to be pretty slow. okay, so the slowest it's been really is about roughly a day later, but compared to other new shows and the previous season of SDMI it's pretty slow.

  5. @Anythingspossibleforapossible Oh, you meant the rate at which they are uploaded to the Internet. Now I see.

    Well the thing with this season is that one would have to do the upload process every weekday. It's been done, but not on any site that is well known, like Youtube. The ones on there are real bootleggy.

    @Axt113 I have a link, if you have a good firewall. However, the video format is .mkv, so you will need all the latest codecs OR a media player that plays .mkv files. They are of high quality.

  6. Werner Brothers keeps filing copyright clames with you tube and is having you tube take them down within hours of them being posted. What I did is I purchased the season from amazon instant video. Each episode becomes available for me to watch the day after it aires.

  7. Have you guys heard of Scooby Doo Network Center? It's like the spanish version of what we've got here. They record the episodes in really high quality and then upload them to these download websites and post the links for the fans. They post the link within a day. If you guys are interested, they've posted all the episodes up till "Wrath of Krampus". Hope your internet browser can translate it (I use Google Chrome)

  8. Jessie, SDNC is Portuguese not Spanish, their site is brilliant for downloading the episodes although I am having troubles with their provider netlog, keeps telling me i cant download files because I've met the limit for the hour even though i hadn't used to for a day.

  9. Sorry, I didn't realise it was Portuguese... I use the Filecloud provider. I just used an old email for the account set up.

  10. SDMI villains make cameos. I saw Professor Raffalo (Slime Mutant), Grady Gator (Gatorman), Bud Coleman (Man-Crab), Mary Ann Gleardon (Que Horrifico), Alice May (Ghost Girl & Obliteratrix), Grandma Moonbeam (Cicada Creature), Deputy Bucky (Dead Justice), ex-Mayor Jones (Freak of Crystal Cove), Horbert Feist (Dreamweaver) and Dan Fluunk (Fiend in "Night Terrors").


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