Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated Season 2.1 – What Did You Think?


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Now that the first batch of Mystery Inc season two episodes have aired, has tthis season lived up to your expectations? I have only seen the first ten episodes at the time of this writing, but I think season two has been fantastic so far. Better mysteries, and they seemed to have fixed certain things that I did not like in the first season{Velma}.

SDMI will be taking another break after this week, so stay tuned!


71 thoughts on “Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated Season 2.1 – What Did You Think?

  1. The episodes didn't make any sense. They were not funny. Some parts were inappropriate for kids, such as the Grim Judgment episode being loaded with sexual innuendo. The Night Terrors episode also had Daphne in nothing but a towel and then also a bathrobe, but then it had her laying down with Shaggy, which is just unacceptable for a cartoon that kids watch.

    Speaking of which, the Scarebear episode showed deformed and mutated animals, which is also something that kids should not be watching.

    Even the lighter parts were bad. There were storyline errors all over. The Gathering Gloom for example had the mother state that they had moved to Crystal Cove just 6 months before that, yet at the end of the episode the mayor gave them a check for 30 years of neglected payments. Also the check was for over $14 trillion, which is an impossible amount. Also Velma calls him Fred Jones even though his last name should be Chiles. The Dreamweaver episode showed the first guy drive his car into the bank and then the Dreamweaver walked out of the bank. In other words we saw the guy and the Dreamweaver at the same time, yet at the end of the episode they made him the Dreamweaver. Same with Taylor Hotner. He was with Daphne when Crybaby Clown bombed city hall, yet they made him Crybaby Clown in the end.

    The villain motives are stupid. The Art of Darkness villain was mad that the art guy transformed his look and gave him a guitar to play. So why not just quit? Taylor Hotner wanted a crew and a girlfriend, so why kidnap them? It wasn't like they would have helped him after being kidnapped anyway. Why not just PAY them and find a girlfriend legitimately? He had plenty of money. Also, the "untie the dolphin" innuendo was unacceptable. The Haunted Mountain plot was also terrible. Why lure Mystery Inc to the ship when you can simply destroy the ship from the outside along with any traps? Then in Night Terrors, the guy hated it there. So again, why not just quit?

    The whole thing with Fred and Daphne is also annoying. Either go with that ship, or don't do it at all. This thing where one likes the other when the other does not and vice versa is just dumb. It has nothing to do with the storyline and just distracts from everything.

    So to sum it up, boring, vile, nonsensical.

  2. It's been okay so far, but season 1 was stronger. I do agree that there's been a few really inappropriate things in there.

    My main beef though is we've now seen real ghosts. That sort of disappoints me. I really liked how the show was remaining true to the "there's no such thing as ghosts" creed they had during SDWAY. Yes real monsters can be an interesting plot device, but I just really wanted a mystery that you could really follow and figure out for yourself (I just miss the days when they were a little more Sherlock Holmes and a little less Ghostbusters). It just sort of blows it for me that they had to rely on a ghost to fill in the gaps in their knowledge (To me it's just an easy way out).

    (Plus is it just me or is it entirely ridiculous that the ghost costume happened to look exactly like the real ghost?)

    The real ghost thing is leaned on more and more when they use real monsters. If they're going to give us real monsters I would like it to be a bit more inventive.

  3. Despite everything you guys have said, and the disappointing fact that real ghosts and stuff have been used, I've really enjoyed this season. I was definitely annoyed by some things, but there's always gonna be that in every TV series. I actually can't wait to see how this ends!

  4. I think its been fantastic! loved every single episode so far, I've really enjoyed that its gotten darker and kind of more realistic. The story arc of crystal cove and the planespheric disc have had me hooked to the screen on the edge of my seat.

    cant wait for it to return when ever it does..

  5. This show wins me over more and more! Just watched the first 4 episodes from season 1, and everything is tying in!! When they're in Gatorsburg, Scooby looks up at the hotel sign and all the letters go out except those that spell: "The dog dies" - chilling! In episode 1, Velma tells you thge main Crystal Cove Mysteries right at the begining. This is still relavent after 40 odd episodes!

  6. I especially liked how they changed Velma to her more typical sleuthing persona. She's not completey devoid of any emotion, but it's a major improvement over how the writers portrayed her in season 1 which went terribly wrong as they tried to depict her as a love sick hormonal teenager on ai. She was really obsessed with changing Shaggy in every possibly way as well as trying to break him and Scooby up, and that's a another issue: her jealously. She was so pathetically jealous of the two which was just painful to watch. Even Scooby got over his jealous and tried to patch things up with her, but she wouldn't have any of it. They eventually kind of patch things up in season 2's "The Gathering Gloom" when he's the only one who believes her, and she even tries to pep talk the sheriff who she never liked because he would rather let the monsters continue on to make the town's profit and because of his incompetence.

    Then she deduced that Angel was aiy which back fired because she had to keep the secret and then the gang felt betrayed when they found out what she was hiding. That's where my next and last problem arises. She knows she "betrayed" them so what does she do? She went and worked for Mr. E of all people! Apparently she was so alone it's the one thing she could do to get by. Another reason she apparently did this was so she could get inside info, not that that did a lot of good, did it? I did like it when she cut off Mr. E's call in "Web of Dreamweaver!" though which kind of took away all his great opposing danger momentarily.

    Apart from that flaw overall I think I have to say Velma is my favorite character of season 2, she's had a major development this first half of the season in that her detective side is able to truly shine through and her crazy obsession with Shaggy had been dropped.

  7. I left something unfinished. I meant to say, "Then she deduced that Angel was Cassidy."

  8. I left something out from above that sawell: "they tried to depict her as a love sick hormonal teenager on acid."

  9. @ Pat: I can totally see that, but I still think it was the Gators trying to scare Scooby which may have been what we're supposed to believe back then.

  10. Guys, can you please give me links? I've been looking all over the Internet! I've managed to watch episodes 6-7 (season 2), and ended up with ep. 8, that was buffering for hours! The episode was 22 minutes and it took me at least 1 hour to watch it, although the quality was super great, just like it would be on the DVD.

  11. Thanks Jesse! I'll try it right now!
    Guys, check this out! The Season 2 Episodes 3-4 US opening theme! They switched Daphne with Hot Dog Water! It's pretty good, although they left Daphne in the Mystery Machine in the beggining. If you notice, The moves Hot Dog Water does and her poses are similar to Daphne's.

  12. Thanks again, Jesse, it worked. Although it didn't involve the credits. I would like to see who did the voice of Dynomutt.
    Speaking of which, does anyone know if that was the true Dynomutt story, or if there's really a Blue Falcon enemy called Dr. Zin?
    Oh, also BF sounded like a super villain!
    Anyway, great episodes!

  13. Frank Welker did the voice of DynoMutt (he also did it for the original series), Blue Falcon was voiced by Troy Baker the original being voiced by Gary Owens) i dont think their ever was an original origin story for them though

  14. Thanks!
    Now that I've seen half of season 2 I can express my opinion: I LOVED IT! My favourite one is "Night Terrors" which, as Wikipedia says, is based on the movie "The Shining". If you're over 17 (I'm not, but I got it on DVD!) go to and watch the movie. WARNING: It involves blood and a tiny bit of sexual content, that's why I'm not giving you a link.
    Here are the back covers for:
    Scooby Doo! Mystery Inc. Season 2 Part 1:
    Scooby Doo! 13 Spooky Tales: Holiday Chills and Thrills:

  15. Personally, I loved season 2. I don't know why most people don't like the fact of us having real ghosts and monsters in this one, I think it was a smart move, because we went into the next level of haunting.

    Loved the way they portrayed Velma in this season (she was already good in season 1, but now she's peach perfect), and the way Marcy and her became friends, that was very touching (I also hope that Shaggy and Velma end up together in the end of season 2), that's what I call character development, you know? Also loved how things are starting to connect and the warnings from some of the ghosts, telling the gang to watch out.

    All in all, it was a wonderful season and I can't wait to see the remaining 11 episodes and find out the truth behind Crystal Cove's curse.

  16. so does anyone have any info on when it will return? I am dying to know whats going to happen

  17. I don't know, Daff. But one thing's for sure: Scoob would never betray the gang! I think that Pericles is betrayng Ricky once more to get those bloody Planispheric Disc pieces!

  18. Guys, I need links to the following episodes from "The New Scooby Doo Movies":
    1. A God Medium Is Rare
    2. Sandy Duncan's Jekyll and Hyde
    3. The Haunted Horseman of Hagglethorn Hall
    4. The haunted Showboat
    5. The Spirited Spooked Sports Show.
    Please don't give me VBOX7 links, it's byffering a lot.
    Thank you!

  19. Is someone in this site running things in the SDMI official Tumblr? If anyone does, I would like you to add the following songs in Mystery Inc. Music and make them all downloadable:
    1. Crybaby Clown (the song that plays on the background when Crybay Clown appears)
    2. Clues (the score that plays on the background when the gang finds a clue or examines it)
    3. Char Gar Gothakon Chant (the chant that is heard in "The Shrieking Madness")
    4. Char Gar Gothakon, the Beast that Hath No Name (the song Ernesto and his crew were singing in Hatecraft's lecture in "The Shrieking Madness")
    4. Stuck in My Throat (by Trini Lee in "Battle of the Humungonauts")
    5. Trappin' Time (the score that plays on the background when a monster falls into a trap)
    If you don't know anyone, just check them out:
    Remember that you can't download them!

  20. ^^No it's not because according to the site itself CN hates the show.

  21. Hey guys, can anybody tell me if spooky games is 16x9 on the disc?
    Much appreciated.

  22. I LOVED season 2! I was hooked! I loved the over arching mystery and the entire show aesthetic. I can't wait to see where they take the series. I loved the villain designs and the mysteries and i think it's genuinely funny!

    It is a little "mature" there is a lot of darkness in the show. It doesn't bother me, because i'm 20 years old and i'm eating it up but it may be a little too intense for younger viewers. But my brother loves it, he's 11-12 so I think they hit a good 11+ range of viewers. And any mature stuff will go over the heads of the really young viewers.

    I am a little disappointed they focus so much on Fred. I really really love the character, but I do want more Shaggy/Scooby! I think the over the top ridiculous motivations for the stories are charming in their own way, but it's a little too ridiculous some times. I understand they're poking fun but still. I didn't like the Crybaby Clown as a villain or as Baylor Hautner. I thought both characters were really annoying.

    Can't wait for more!

    PS: Is there any where I can find more behind the scenes info? From the creators? I'd love to here more on their creative process AND more about what is going on with them and the whole disputes that keep it from airing and everything.

  23. ^ SDMI is one of those shows where behind-the-scenes info is unfortunately VERY limited.


  25. Call me crazy, but I think that the WWE Scooby Doo film will be good, not great but good. From what I've heard and read, the monster of the movie will be a ghostly bear. Since I don't watch WWE, I won't be able to recognise any WWE wrestlers, but I'm sure the voice talents at the credits will be full of "... as Hinself". Anyone know the title of the movie?

  26. @scoob16

    Sometimes they just don't like a show. It's easy to tell they don't like this one based on how they've chosen to air it.

    As for cancelling it they can't. Animated shows are different from live action. Animated shows take about a year to get new episodes. So the second season was ordered before they were even halfway through the first season.
    So at this point all the episodes for season 2 have been made and cancelling it when they've already paid for the episodes would be a waste of money. So instead they just burn off the episodes as quick as they can.

    Personally I'd say they probably don't like it because it doesn't perform as well as some of their other shows. Plus there's the mature content that probably upsets CN as well (I'm betting they get complaints).

  27. ^ I agree that that's the two big reasons they "hate" the show. Obviously I'm not completely sure, but I assume it's also down to contracts; it's planned as a 52 episode series and the channel has committed to that length, but they're going to finish it as soon as possible.

  28. Personally, I think CN should re-think their priorities right now, because live-action shows won't last forever (let's face it, most good ideas have already been used either by Disney or by Nickelodeon, so they have focus on animation).

    I think that this series is a lot more mature than the other series in the Scooby-Doo mythos, but even those hardcore fans should love it because it combines multiple elements (we got fake monster, real ghosts and a good mystery).

    I hope I'm not the only one who would love to see a new season of SDMI or a new series that would take place in the same "dimension" as SDMI. By the way, what are the chances of either one of those things happen?

  29. A few things to go over here. First, it isn't known if CN hates SDMI or not. That is just what those on the SDMI tumblr wrote, and that could just be nothing but their opinions. My guess would be that CN likes it, which is why they bought the second season. However, I read that it was always agreed that only two seasons would be produced and then they would move on to a new version of SD. So this season will be the end of SDMI. The next SD series will have a new look and style.

    Second, this is a strange series. Those who hate the old series love this one, and those who loved the old series hate this one. Though there are some who like both. But mostly this series has been polarizing, which is not good for the bottom line. The goal should be to appeal to as many as possible, and I think the old formula does this best.

    I do believe that having hope in this WWE Scooby-Doo crossover is crazy. I can't see this having anything good in store. The WWE is poorly done nowadays anyway, and adding such a thing to Scooby-Doo (and vice versa) will result in something outside both formulas. I also can't see a bunch of wrestlers being afraid of whatever villain will haunt/terrorize the WWE. If they are brave enough to stay in the ring come show time, then why can't they just take down the villain themselves, as would be the case in an actual WWE skit?

    If the villain is a bear, then I can see them making a joke about the WWF (World Wildlife Fund), which sued the WWE for the "WWF" acronym a while ago. A fight that the WWE gave up when they renamed the company. There won't be that many wrestlers in it to voice themselves. In fact, one of the main characters is just an actress who plays the role of the WWE general manager A.J. something or other.

    As for how CN as chosen to air SDMI, the reason they aired one episode after another is because of the Scooby-Doo mystery marathon that WB wanted to have. I saw a children's Scooby-Doo activity book in the grocery store a week ago with all sorts of little games and mazes and puzzles inside. One of the features included "tickets" to cut out and write on so kids could give them to their friends to come over and watch SDMI on TV at 2pm EST. I think there was even a notes section to write down clues. Anyway, I'm sure the marathon came at the suggestion of Warner Bros.

    I think the only show that CN has poorly aired has been ThunderCats. Moved timeslots, lack of advertising, etc. I'm surprised the show got as high ratings as it did: 1.7 million on avg.

    As for canceling it, CN can cancel it whenever it wants, it just wouldn't make sense is all. They already paid for it, so airing it is the logical choice. With SDMI they re-ran the season 2 episodes, proving that they are okay with the series. However, with ThunderCats, they did not. They ran it once and that was it. Not a good sign.

    SDMI does not perform as well because it lacks the typical non-sense that is present in Adventure Time, Regular Show, and Gumball. Scooby is almost completely absent in each episode, and the main focus seems to be on Fred, a character that has never been popular. Add to this the whole Fred/Daphne on/off relationship thing and its no wonder why most kids tune out. SDMI hits a very narrow audience. Kids don't like it because it has teenage drama in it and not enough non-sense, most teens don't like it because it's a cartoon, and most adults don't like it because it's a mockery to the Scooby-Doo series they remember from their childhoods.

    The inappropriate content probably is a topic of complaint, but seeing as how CN still airs it and how season 2 is even more inappropriate, I doubt CN takes these complaints seriously. If they did season 2 would have toned this down.

    The contract dispute happened over season 1. Season 2 hasn't had any such problems as far as I know. It was always planned, even by the writers, that WB would only have SDMI go on for two seasons of 26 episodes each, with episode 52 tying everything together and providing closure.

    I agree that CN should rethink a lot of things. Not only are the live action shows wrong for a network that claims to be about cartoons, but many of these new cartoons are nothing but mind rot. Nothing like the cartoons of the 80s and 90s.

    I don't think this series is more mature than the others, I think it is more infantile in it's design and presentation. They display adult themes, not because they are more mature, but because they are less restrained and unconcerned with decency.

  30. First on the Scooby WWE crossover. WWE wrestlers are athletes, and that's exactly what they are, and most athletes are superstitious so the villian could play off of that.
    A.J. isn't Some actress, she is a wrestler who is currently the Raw GM. Which is, admittedly, just a character.

    And on the inappropriate conmany in SD:MI.
    I've read many say SD:MI is inappropriate for kids and the HB would never use inappropriate humor or visuals.
    Now I want to preface my next comment with : I wouldn't want to live in a world without tom and jerry, the jetsons, or the flintsones.
    Bill and Joe were amazing animators and storytellers but I hate to break it to you but they had inappropriate humor in their shows.
    Go to the forums of this site and look for a thread about the Flintstones show that Seth macfarland was working on.
    I posted a link to youtube that was from the original Flintstones where barney made a dick joke.

    Yes it was very inappropriate for a show kids could watch but it was vague enough to fly over small ears. I haven't heard or seen anything worse on SD:MI.

  31. Whatever adult were used in The Flintstones was presumably because it aired in a prime-time slot. SDMI doesn't have that excuse and I hate to think how frightening it would be if it did air in a prime-time slot. (It would probably be the same more or less based on what they've already done.)

    I question how official the official tumblr is, but they also confirmed that the gap between the first season was because of dispute with the producers which could be the reasons stated above. But
    then again we don't know much because not much is spoken from behind-the-scenes.

  32. @Scooby-Doom! They are athletes and stunt performers yes, but they are also actors. They are given scripts. So if this movie takes it from that approach, then it is going to anger a lot of WWE fans who like to think or genuinely believe that it's real. So clearly that's not an option. The storyline will be that it is real, in which case the wrestlers will risk going against the villain because they're used to bashing each other with chairs and putting each other through tables. So risk of injury from a ghost or monster that is sabotaging equipment is one they would be willing to take.

    The only way I see them pulling off a believable villain is if it is abducting people, like main stars. But then how does the gang get mixed into this? And will that be too much like the previous movie?

    A.J. plays a character, therefore she is an actress. That's all I'm saying.

    Tom & Jerry used slapstick comedy. Animated violence is not the same thing as realistic violence.

    The Flintstones and The Jetsons were both cartoons that were made for adults, similar to the Bugs Bunny cartoons. Two words prove this: Winston cigarettes. However, later on they dropped the adult stuff so that kids could watch it. Fred and Wilma sleeping in separate slabs (beds) for example.

    Will and Joe were producers, not animators. When it came to animation they were both tightwads. They were famous for using looping backgrounds and recycled animation cells.

    They had adult humor in their adult shows. In the kid shows they had none, or if there was even something slightly too mature for kids it was obscure, subtle, and over their heads. There's even an interview with them both saying how they made sure to keep the cartoons kid friendly.

    In another interview, Joe commented about how they had to actually tone down the horror aspect of Scooby-Doo because it would have been too scary for children.

    Also, Scrappy-Doo was a target of the tone-down crew. In original scripts he was too defiant and rebellious. They worried he might be a bad influence on kids. So they toned him down and cut out many of his lines.

    There are only two instances I can think of that were questionable, and they were both artwork issues not storyline issues. The infamous Globetrotters episode, and Scooby's Peephole Pandemonium, both showing Daphne's underwear.

    Now as for SDMI, what about all the shirtless moments for Hotner and Fred in the Crybaby Clown episodes? What about Fred talking about "tingling"? Or how about Hotner telling Daphne he untied the dolphin? Or what about Daphne's nightgown? Or how about in the Gathering Gloom when they did an up-skirt of Velma? Or Shaggy and Daphne lying with each other while she was just in a bathrobe and towel?

  33. Season 1 aired 1 or 2 hours out of prime time, does an hour or 2 really make that big of a difference?
    Any time after 4:00pm and kids could be watching, why is it okay to make sly dick jokes after 7?

    And just because it was prime time doesn't discount the fact that people who claim HB wouldn't make adult jokes are dead wrong!

  34. Okay, they use scripts so they could qualify as actors but reality tv is mostly scripted. Does that mean the "stars" of Jersey shore are actors?
    God I hope not!
    Kidding aside, I'll give you that.

    You solved the problem of how they could present the story. For the teaser a few main eventer get kidnapped. (Opening credits) then the gang is called in by Vince to calm the storm because the locker room is afraid of who might be next. The story progresses from there.

    H & B were definitely animators and tightwads, hong Kong phooey is a perfect example of their cheapness.

    I don't see SD:MI being overtly sexual or inappropriate, I can promise you kids don't understand what tingling means. Could you remind me pf the

  35. Darn it! Sorry about that.

    Could you remind me of the context of the "tingling"?
    And even I don't umderstand what untying the dolphin means!
    What about Daphne's nightgown?

    I haven't seen the episodes with your last 2 points so I can't comment on those.
    But they show actual human teen dudes without their shirts on all the time on TV, so I don't see your problem with cartoon shirtlessness.

  36. Look, everyone, I'm not going to talk about the WWE project because we still need to see where this will go (face it, we haven't even seen a glimpse of the animation, so we must not argue about that). As for SDMI, I don't think the series is overly sexual (not more than most shows... besides kids nowadays are more used to see that kind of behaviour in other media than most of us were back when we were kids).

    I already said this once, and I'll say it again. SDMI isn't better than the original series, it's different (it's only better than "Get a Clue". This series is more like an homage to the original series and to those which followed it.

    Right now, I just want to see how it ends, and hope that the next series follows the example that this one gives, and be even better.

  37. You know, I love SDMI much more than the original series, but that doesn't mean I hate it. I have to agree, though, "Scooby Doo, Where Are You?" is funnier, with a lot of gags, like when Scooby is bouncing on a tree brunch and every time he goes up enough he kicks the Apeman ("Never Ape an Apeman"). APNSD was also very funny, then they were pure cartoon characters, I mean (almost) every cartoon's eyes get bigger when (s)he's scared.

  38. Check these out! Background art from SDMI season 2 episodes (notice the temple look-a-like, there are statues of 4 teenagers and an animal, just like New & Old Mystery Incorporated, the Benevolent Lodge of Mystery, the Darrow Family etc.).

  39. ^ According to them Ed Machine is dead. That makes his scream even more disturbing for a kids show. I don't think they have the authority to answer such questions like that.

    Apparently they also pick and choose which anonymous questions to answer.

  40. @Scooby-Doom! I never said H-B wouldn't make such jokes, I only said they wouldn't in a kids' cartoon. The Flintstones was not a kids' cartoon. The Flintstones Kids on the other hand, was.

    Are the “stars” of Jersey Shore actors? Well not anymore since it got canceled, praise the Lord! They were not actors in the true sense because I doubt they had scripts, but they were still acting nonetheless. They were acting like how they imagine themselves to be. As is the case with most people on "reality" shows.

    I didn't really solve the problem, because of someone got kidnapped why would Vince call in the gang? Under the premise that WWE is real, he would have security and maybe some trusted wrestlers look into it. The scenario would be looked at as any other storyline they do.

    H-B produced, they didn't do the artwork. That means they funded it and had their hands in the storyline creation and editing process.

    Fred just tells Daphne that he's tingling again because of the trap they were in (the water thing). She slaps him (physical assault) and tells him "no tingling".

    Daphne’s nightgown... it's revealing. They are obviously sexualizing the character.

    They do show teen males without their shirts within OTHER shows that are specifically edited for non-child audiences. The point is that the parents who don't let their kids watch such shows don't expect that kind of content to be in Scooby-Doo.


    That girl is probably somewhere between 10 and 14. She's posting on the Internet about her attraction to a drawing. Leaving the obvious creepiness of that aside, what is she learning from this show? To go after guys who look "good" without a shirt even if they are idiots and treat their girlfriend poorly?

    @JohnnyArrombador01 Okay, so you say SDMI is not overly sexual (explicit), but then does that mean you do see it as somewhat sexually explicit? If kids are used to it, then why are we accepting that? Shouldn't it NOT be that way?

    I don't think SDMI pays any homage to the original. Even if you ignore the fact that it's a reboot (thus an AU), the style and design are nothing like the original and the show even trashes what the series is. It was the same problem the live-action movie had. It's not a parody of the OS, not even a bad parody; it's a flat out mockery. It openly makes fun of the characters and presents all these bad things about them. I think MAD would do a better job portraying the show in a skit to be quite honest.

    I too want to see how it ends. Mainly because I want to see it end. I hope the next one does not follow this one's example, but I hope the next one goes back to the original formula and sticks as close to the original as possible.

    @scoob16 Those statues aren't just any four teenagers, they're the Scooby gang.

    @Anythingspossibleforapossible You're right. They don't have the authority to answer things like that. Assuming they are the writers/animators, they need to realize that marketing and PR is not their job. WB spent a lot of money on this product, and WB can't have them making statements on their own that could cause trouble for them or CN.

  41. I never said you did say that, reread my first comment, but it has been said.

    I said a few get kidnapped, that means security is havong trouble stopping it. Why not then call in specialists? But we'll have to wait and see on this one. I was just pointing out AJ wasn't just "some actress".

    So Fred just said he tingled? My first thought would be adrenaline.

    Might just be my browser but I see no mention of attraction in that link.

    Most night gowns worn by young females in certain agr groups are kinda revealing.

    To summarize I see nothing worse about this show that you can't see anywhere else in the world.

    I don't think it is the creators job, or mine or yours for that matter, to worry about who might be watching

    I think it is the parents job,


  42. I knew the hairy one looked a lot like Shag, but the animal looks more like a leopard.
    Can somebody tell me how I get the Philippe Finger costume part in "Scooby Doo! and the Spooky Swamp"? I got it by talking to Philippe in a chance to get tips and jokes, but now I've started a new game and I spent an hour talking to Philippe!

  43. In couple of later episodes Fred mentioned his "trapping sense" was "tingling" a reference to when Spider-Man's "spider sense" would "tingle". I hope that clears things up.

  44. During IronBoy and the new WWE show this morning on CW the showed a commercial stating the Big Top would be available in "Select Retailers" this Tuesday.
    This is the first I have heard of it, but everybody be on the lookout just in case.

  45. I googled and found nothing, I'm gonna check Best Buy and FYE's sites in a little while. They seem the most likely to get something early.
    Though target does tend to get more scooby stuff.

    I'll keep everybody posted on my findings.

  46. Best buy and FYE have nothing.
    I haven't checked target yet, I did check a few dvd sites and found nothing.
    *scratches head*

    SUBJECT #1:Along with "Scooby Doo! Mystery Incorporated: Danger in the Deep" (November 13 2012), Warner Bros will be releasing "Scooby Doo Where Are You? The Complete Series DVD Collection" on the same day ( The package is a Mystery Machine, but I thimk that the other Mystery Machine was cooler (
    SUBJECT #2:I got some questions of the week ready for SpiderScooby to post (if he likes them).
    1. Would you watch a movie or series done in the "Scooby Doo! First Frights" and "Scooby Doo! and the Spooky Swamp" art style? Or even the two games as an episodic series? MY ANSWER: Delighted!
    2. What series would you like to see on DVD? MY ANSWER: "Scooby Doo and Scrappy Doo" & "Shaggy & Scooby Doo Get a Clue!" (no matter what others say, I like the plot but not the art style so much) as two double disc sets (Season 1 and Season 2). I would like you to respect my opinion and not start yelling at me because I like te series.
    SUBJECT #3: Let's all say our favotite SDMI catchphrases! These are mine:
    From "The Gathering Gloom":
    ETHAN: Dude, haha, the Mystery Dorcs think you're that Lovers' Lane (wasn't that in WNSD, as well?) hammer wacko!
    GARY: Yeah right. And how did I attack myself, am I a wizard too? Ooo, wizard magic, shaka maka zoo! Alakahami!
    From "The Midnight Zone":
    FRED: What is that?
    TOM: We're just entering the Midnight Zone.
    TUB: That's when we're so deep, we're in total darkness. Here, watch this.
    SHAGGY: Hey, where did everything go?
    TUB: Oh, it's still out there, we just can't see it. Pretty neat, hah?
    FRED: Okay, but we don't wanna crush, so we better turn the lights back on?
    TOM: Hands off, dude!
    TUB: No one touches the buttons but us!
    FRED: Fine, but--
    TOM: No buts. Our sub! Are we clear?
    FRED: Listen you little--
    DAPHNE: Ah ah, okay guys, that's a time out until you can act your age.
    FRED: Yeah, you two need a--
    DAPHNE: That's a time out for you too, Fred.

  48. The next DTV will be "Mask of the Blue Falcon".
    Apparently the trailer is on Big Top.
    What do you guys think?

  49. That SDMI episode was obviously a big influence then? I knew the wrestling one wouldn't be first. But does anyone else see a pattern forming?

  50. Some of those scenes look like they were from an episode. Now obviously I don't know, but they could either be for the special (no-brainer on that) or they could be flashbacks like a revenge movie or something, or possibly both? Wouldn't that be cool canonising those events forty years later?

  51. My first thought when seeing the older clips was sorta meta, throwing in the old clips as either news footage, doc footage, or maybe a show about "real life" heroes blue falcon and dynomutt.

    But yeah, picking up a lo g dead continuity sounds awesome.

  52. Big Top is exclusive to Walmart until next month.
    There's a sticker on the front for a Looney Tunes Scooby browser based MMO called " Looney Tunes Scooby-Doo Cartoon Universe.
    I've started a thread on the board that has a bit more info for those that are interested.

  53. It's in reality a nice and useful piece of information.
    I'm happy that you simply shared this useful information with us.
    Please stay us informed like this. Thanks for sharing.


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