
4 thoughts on “Vintage Scooby Doo TV Commercial

  1. This a bit off topic. but does anybody know if there are any scooby novels out there that aren't meant for kids?

  2. This is a bit off topic, but does anybody know if there are any scooby novels out there that are longer than 60 or 70 pages?

  3. That's a very good question. I honestly have no idea. I haven't kept up with the Scooby books in years, but the ones I've seen on Amazon are either the easy reader books or the {very short} chapter books. Even the novelization of the first movie is only 87 pages.

    But if anyone knows of any that are longer, I'd love to know too.

  4. Sorry to double post. At first it said server trouble. Any who the short james gelsey books I believe I have them all I'm proud to say.


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